How to Register for RLOM

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The Gfinity Rocket League Oceanic Masters starts this weekend with Open Qualifiers, here’s how to ensure your team is registered and ready to compete!

Head to the Rocket League Oceanic Masters on here:
Click on the Register button in the left hand side column or in the right hand corner.

On the registration page you’ll be prompted to fill in your relevant details. Make sure you’re aware of what is required and what is optional, and ensure you fill in all information accurately.
– Gamertag – This is the name other players and teams will see you as on the tournament page and should be the same name as what you use in-game.
– Select Event – Select what event within the tournament you want to sign-up for, either Open Qualifier 1, Open Qualifier 2 or both!
– Team – Select whether you want to create a new team, join an existing team or skip for now. Based on your selection you may be required to fill in your team’s details.
– Connect Game Account – Connect your game account, whether it is a Steam ID, PlayStation Network ID, Xbox Live ID or Switch Friend Code.
– Account – If you don’t have a account already, fill in the details here to make one.
– Country – Identify which country you are a resident of – this is an important one!
– Social Accounts – Choose to connect to any of our social accounts to stay in touch with the latest news, updates and results.

Make sure to read over the provided RLOM and documentation before ticking the boxes to complete your registration.

If you signed up for a new account, make sure to check  your inbox for the verification email!

If you want to manage your player profile, you can access these options by clicking on your profile image in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. A range of settings and page listing will appear.

Clicking on ‘Event Schedule’ will provide a range of pages to look at associated including Overview, BracKets, Standings, Stats and Teams.  Make sure you are aware of when you need to check-in and keep an eye on who you will be playing once the brackets are generated.

If you need support during RLOM you can get in contact with a Gfinity representative by joining the Gfinity Esports Australia Discord channel here:

For platform support, you can click the blue chat box symbol in the bottom right of your screen on to speak with a support staff member.

Best of luck to everyone!